Master class for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Games and techniques of socio-game technology”

Seminar “Modern gaming technologies in preschool educational institutions”

Game technology consistently includes games and exercises that form one of the integrative qualities or knowledge from the educational field. But at the same time, gaming material should intensify the educational process and increase the efficiency of mastering educational material.

The main goal of gaming technology

— creation of a full-fledged motivational basis for the formation of skills and abilities of activity, depending on the operating conditions of the preschool institution and the level of development of children.

Objectives of gaming technology
To achieve a high level of motivation, a conscious need to acquire knowledge and skills through the child’s own activity.

Select means that activate children’s activities and increase their effectiveness.

But like any educational technology, gaming technology must also meet the following requirements:

Technological diagram is a description of a technological process divided into logically interconnected functional elements.

Scientific base - reliance on a certain scientific concept of achieving educational goals.

Systematicity - technology must have logic, interconnection of all parts, integrity.

Controllability - the possibility of goal setting, planning the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct results is assumed.

Efficiency - must guarantee the achievement of a certain standard of training, be effective in terms of results and optimal in costs.

Reproducibility - application to other educational settings.

Gaming technologies are closely related to all aspects of the educational work of a kindergarten and the solution of its main tasks.

Gaming technologies give the child: the opportunity to “try on” the most important social roles; be personally involved in the phenomenon being studied (motivation is focused on satisfying cognitive interests and the joy of creativity)

; live for some time in “real life conditions”.

The Importance of Gaming Technology

not that it is entertainment and relaxation, but that with proper guidance it becomes: a way of learning; activities for the realization of creativity; method of therapy; the first step in the socialization of a child in society.

The educational and educational value of the game depends on:

knowledge of gaming activity methods;

professional skills of the teacher in organizing and managing various types of games;

taking into account age and individual capabilities.

At the present stage, gaming activity as an independent technology can be used:

to master the topic or content of the material being studied;
as a lesson or part of it (introduction, explanation, reinforcement, exercise, control)
; as part of the educational program formed by the preschool educational institution team.

Gaming technologies for preschoolers

The age of children in which the foundations of personality are laid, will is developed, and social competence is formed is called preschool. It is unique and decisive at the beginning of a child’s developmental stage. Game-based learning should be interesting, entertaining, but not entertaining.

Game pedagogical technology is the organization of the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games . This concept differs from games in that they have a clearly defined goal and a corresponding pedagogical result. Game-based pedagogical technology includes various methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of games. The result of the games is justified, observed explicitly and characterized by a certain educational focus.

The goal of gaming technology is to create a full-fledged motivational basis for the formation of skills and abilities of activity, depending on the operating conditions of the preschool institution and the level of development of children.

Games are mainly children’s own initiative, therefore, when organizing gaming activities, the teacher must be guided by the following requirements:

- game selection. Should act as a means of satisfying the interests and needs of children. Typically, the choice of game depends on educational tasks that require their logical solution. That is, children show interest in the game, actively act and get a result veiled by the game task - there is a natural substitution of motives from educational to gaming;

- game proposal. A gaming problem is created. To solve it, children are offered various game tasks, such as action techniques and rules;

- explanation of the game. The teacher briefly and clearly explains the rules and techniques of the game, but only after the children’s interest in the game arises;

- gaming equipment. It must comply as much as possible with the content of the game and all the requirements for the subject-game environment according to the Federal State Educational Standard;

— organization of a gaming group. Game tasks are formulated in such a way that each child can demonstrate their activity and organizational skills. Children can act depending on the progress of the game individually, in pairs or teams, collectively;

- development of the game situation. It is characterized by the following principles: the absence of coercion of any form when involving children in the game; the presence of game dynamics; maintaining a gaming atmosphere; the relationship between gaming and non-gaming activities;

- end of the game. The result of children's gaming activities should be analyzed and aimed at application in real life.

Based on the nature of the pedagogical process, the following groups of games are distinguished:

— teaching, training, controlling, generalizing;

- cognitive, educational, developmental;

- reproductive, productive, creative, communicative, diagnostic, career guidance, psychotechnical and others.

Types of pedagogical games can be very diverse . They are divided:

  1. By type of activity - motor, intellectual, psychological, etc.
  2. By the nature of the pedagogical process - teaching, training, controlling, cognitive, educational, developmental, diagnostic.
  3. The nature of the gaming methodology is games with rules; games with rules established during the game; a game where one part of the rules is specified by the conditions of the game, and is established depending on its progress.
  4. In terms of content - musical, mathematical, socializing, logical, etc.
  5. By gaming equipment - tabletop, computer, theatrical, role-playing, director's, etc.

The gaming technology component is the direct interaction and communication between the teacher and children, which is immediate and systematic. Game Technology Component:

— activates students;

- increases cognitive interest;

- causes emotional uplift;

- promotes the creative development of the child;

— concentrates class time as much as possible due to clearly formulated game conditions;

— allows the teacher to change the strategy and tactics of game actions by complicating or simplifying game tasks, depending on the level of mastery of the material.

Gaming technology is organized as a holistic education, which covers some part of the educational process, and also unites it with common content, plot, and character. It includes sequentially:

  • games and exercises that develop the ability to identify the main, characteristic features of objects, compare and contrast them;
  • groups of games to generalize objects according to certain characteristics;
  • groups of games, during which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real from unreal phenomena;
  • groups of games that develop the ability to control oneself, speed of reaction to a word, phonemic awareness, ingenuity, etc.

The task of each teacher is to compile gaming technologies from individual games and elements. In the last decade, in connection with the development of the world community, the human personality has become a priority at the center of the education and upbringing system. The main component of the formation of the human personality is the teacher, who is at the same time the bearer of universal human values ​​and the creator of a creative personality. Constant fluctuations and changes in society determine the difficulty for the teacher and confront him with the need for value self-determination, requiring him to implement democratic and humanistic principles in pedagogical activity. In other words, the basis of a teacher’s activity is the definition and use of his personal creative potential, which is the system-forming factor of the author’s pedagogical system, the ascent from individual pedagogical functions (actions, situations) to their system, from standard technologies to creative, personality-oriented ones, which are based on there should be a dialogical approach, pedagogical training, role-playing games, analysis of the pedagogical situation, creation of a “situation of success”, co-creation in conducting and preparing creative comprehensive educational activities.

If a teacher uses the latest pedagogical technologies, what qualities should he have? Today, the priority and sought-after qualities of a teacher are such personal qualities (image) as the art of communication, openness, sincerity, goodwill, erudition, outlook, artistry, charm, empathy, improvisation, imagination, reflection, the ability to detect “new formations” and changes in time. in the relationships of children, their moods, reactions. Thus, gaming technologies help children to relax and show self-confidence, while facilitating easy learning of material of any complexity, by bringing the gaming situation closer to real life conditions.


  1. Kasatkina E.I. Game in the life of a preschooler. - M., 2010.
  2. Kasatkina E.I. Game technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions. //Management of preschool educational institution. - 2012. - No. 5.

Master class for teachers using socio-game technologies “City Street”

Bibliographic description:

Sokolova, O. V. Master class for teachers using socio-game technologies “City Street” / O. V. Sokolova. — Text: direct // Questions of preschool pedagogy. - 2022. - No. 3 (9). — P. 68-71. — URL: (access date: 02/05/2022).

Keywords: social gaming technologies, messenger, team, interaction


− increasing the professional skills of teachers in the process of active pedagogical communication to develop work experience in the use of socio-game technology in working with preschoolers. Building effective team interaction.


  1. To form an idea among teachers about the possibilities of using socio-game technology in organizing the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard;
  2. Teach the techniques of social gaming technology;
  3. To arouse among the participants of the master class an interest in social gaming technology and a desire to develop their creative potential;
  4. Develop the creative activity of the teaching staff.

Equipment: 4 tables, a bell, a drawn street model, divided into 4 parts; any small construction set, scissors, felt-tip pens, glue, multi-colored cardboard, small toys for playing with (for 4 teams); easel, chalk

Progress of the master class:

Presenter : Today we have gathered here to learn how to organize children's educational activities using socio-game technologies.

I suggest you play one of the games for a working mood - “Say something nice to a friend.”

Progress of the game: all participants stand in a circle, the leader or any teacher (as agreed), passes the bell to the neighbor and says something pleasant.

For example: “You are always so kind, you have a charming smile, etc.”

Host: To continue our work, we need to divide into teams. I propose to divide into teams according to the seasons - winter, spring, summer, autumn. (Who was born at what time of year).

Master class participants are divided into 4 teams and approach any of the four tables.

Host: Now you need to choose one messenger from each team who will come to me to receive the first task. For each new task a new messenger will arrive. (If the team runs out of participants who were already messengers, then the messengers are selected in the second round).

The first messengers approach the leader and receive the first task. Come up with a name for your team. The name must consist of two words related to the city. When the team comes up with a name, all team members should join hands, raise them up and shout in unison: “We are ready!”

The messengers return to their teams.

When all the teams are ready, they shout out the name of their team in unison, and the leader writes these names on the board.

The leader calls the second messengers to receive a new task.

Rice. 1.

The messengers receive one part of the city street layout and permission to take only 10 of any construction set parts and build their part of the street on the received layout. (If some parts of the designer do not fit, then they can be exchanged for any other parts, but their total number must be 10).

The messengers return to their teams and explain to the other team members what to do.

The following messengers receive a new task.

You can take additional material (paper, cardboard, scissors, glue, markers) and improve your part of the street.

Team members come up for additional material and together come up with ways to improve their part of the street.

Rice. 2.

When the teams finish their work, the presenter moves all the tables together to create one large street.

Rice. 3.

Host: Now I suggest you come closer to the tables and note what interesting things the other teams have built.

The following messengers receive a new task.

Suggest one vowel letter at a time.

The leader writes these vowels on the board. Then all teams are immediately given a new task.

Come up with a name for the street so that the name uses the first letters of the team names and the suggested vowels. (The number of words in the street name is not limited). The name you like best is selected from the proposed options.

The following messengers receive a new task.

You can take the offered toys (cars, trees, people) and play with the buildings.

Bottom line.

Dear colleagues, I showed you some techniques for organizing educational activities and using socio-game technology in working with children of preparatory age for school. I hope you find them useful in your daily work. I wish you success!


  1. Bukatov V. M. “Games for kindergarten. Developing a child's talents through play. Illustrated dictionary of gaming techniques.
  2. Bukatov V. M. “Pocket encyclopedia of socio-game techniques for teaching preschoolers. A reference and methodological manual for teachers of senior and preparatory groups of kindergartens.”
  3. Bukatov V. M. Ershova A. I. “Return to Talent” educational publication.

Key terms
(automatically generated)
: team, socio-game technology, messenger, presenter, part of the street, additional material, task, master class participant, team member.

Master class “Use of gaming technologies in the social and personal development of preschool children”


“The use of gaming technologies in the social and personal development of preschool children”



MDOU "Kindergarten"

general developmental type No. 18, Razumnoe village"


To form among the seminar participants an idea of ​​the specifics of the means, methods, and techniques for the social and personal development of children in the conditions of the Center for Play Support for Preschool Children.

“Play generates joy, freedom, contentment,

peace in yourself and around yourself, peace with the world"

Friedrich Froebel.

The process of socialization begins in childhood and continues throughout life. It is important to note that the social and personal development of children occurs favorably provided that their needs for positive emotional contacts with others, love and support, active cognition, independent activity based on interests, self-affirmation, self-realization and recognition of their achievements from others are met. The more complete and varied a child’s activity is, the more significant it is for the child and the more consistent with his nature, the more successful his development is. That is why games and active communication with others - with adults and peers - are the closest and most natural for a preschooler.

Play is a special activity that blossoms in childhood and accompanies a person throughout his life. It is not surprising that the problem of the game has attracted and continues to attract the attention of researchers: teachers, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, art historians, and biologists.

By definition, a game is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-control of behavior is formed and improved.

In human practice, gaming activity performs the following functions:

- entertaining (this is the main function of the game - to entertain, provide satisfaction, inspire, arouse interest);

— communicative: mastering the dialectics of communication;

— self-realization in the game as a testing ground for human practice;

— game therapy: overcoming various difficulties that arise in other types of life activities;

— diagnostic: identifying deviations from normative behavior, self-knowledge during the game;

— correction function: making positive changes in the structure of personal indicators;

— interethnic communication: the assimilation of socio-cultural values ​​common to all people;

— socialization: inclusion in the system of social relations, assimilation of the norms of human society.

Most games have four main features:

• free developmental activity, undertaken only at the request of the child, for the sake of pleasure from the process of activity itself, and not just from the result (procedural pleasure);

• creative, largely improvisational, very active nature of this activity (“field of creativity”);

• emotional elation of activity, rivalry, competition, competition, attraction, etc. (sensual nature of the game, “emotional tension”);

• the presence of direct or indirect rules that reflect the content of the game, the logical and temporal sequence of its development.

The value of the game cannot be exhausted and assessed by its entertainment and recreational capabilities. This is its phenomenon that, being entertainment and relaxation, it can develop into learning, creativity, therapy, a model of the type of human relationships and manifestations in work.

People have used games as a method of learning and transferring the experience of older generations to younger ones since ancient times. The game is widely used in folk pedagogy, in preschool and out-of-school institutions.

In our preschool educational institution, which, in accordance with paragraph 2.4 of the FGT, provides for the solution of program educational tasks in the joint activities of adults and children and independent activities, during routine moments, gaming activities are used in the following cases:

- as independent technologies for mastering a concept or topic;

- as elements (sometimes very significant) of a broader technology;

- as a directly organized activity or part of it (introduction, explanation, reinforcement, exercise, control);

- as entertainment technologies (games like “Zarnitsa”, “Call of the Jungle”, KTD, etc.).

The concept of “game pedagogical technologies” includes a fairly extensive group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games.

Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined learning goal and a corresponding pedagogical result, which can be justified, identified explicitly and characterized by an educational-cognitive orientation.

The game form of sessions is created in the Game Library using game techniques and situations that act as a means of inducing and stimulating students to activity. The organization of various situations that ensure the development of positive experience and value orientations is one of the most relevant means of social and personal development of children. Organized situations of accumulation of positive socio-emotional experience are problematic in nature, that is, they always contain a life task close to the child, in the resolution of which he takes a direct part. It is necessary that their meaning is clear to every child, close to his personal experience, evokes an emotional response and encourages active action.

Here are some situations that find the greatest emotional response among children:

1. Practical situations of humanistic choice.

Preschoolers are faced with a choice: to respond to the problems of other children or to prefer personal interests and show indifference?

For example, keep the drawing for yourself or include it in the overall picture; respond to the request to help the fairy fairy build houses in her country or ignore it?

The behavior of children in situations of choice helps to better understand the characteristics of their social, moral and emotional development.

2. Practical situations of a problematic nature such as “What to do, what to do?”

These are various difficult situations that we create in order to awaken children’s initiative, independence, intelligence, responsiveness, and willingness to look for the right solutions.

Situations: there are no paints of certain colors, there is not enough plasticine for modeling. Children independently look for solutions and solve problems together.

3. Practical situations “We are the oldest in kindergarten.”

Children learn to take care of children, they develop a sense of self-esteem, a kind attitude towards little ones, and an understanding of their problems.

You can organize the situations “We will delight the kids with gifts made by ourselves”, “We will prepare a concert for the kids”, “We will show a fairy tale”, “We will help make a snow slide”, “We will teach the kids how to dance in circles”.

4. The following situations are like “We are friends with schoolchildren.”

Senior preschoolers gain experience in collaborating with school students: “We are having a sports festival,” “Joint literary quiz.”

Participation in such situations deepens interest in school and relieves anxiety associated with upcoming schooling. At the same time, valuable experience of inter-age communication is formed, which is important not only for preschoolers, but also for students.

5. Children are very fascinated by situations like “Teach your friend what you can do yourself.”

We encourage children to show attention to each other, mutual assistance and cooperation. Children share their experiences, we help them enter into the role of a “teacher,” that is, to be patient, attentive and forgiving to the mistakes and difficulties of their peers.

6. Children also participate in imitation games: changing emotional and physical states, imitating states of nature, etc.

The implementation of game techniques and situations in game sessions occurs in the following main directions: a didactic goal is set for students in the form of a game task; activity is subject to the rules of the game; didactic material is used as its means, an element of competition is introduced into the activity, which transforms the didactic task into a game one; successful completion of a didactic task is associated with the game result.

The place and role of gaming technology in directly organized activities in the Game Library, the combination of game elements and other types of activities largely depend on the teacher’s understanding of the functions and classification of pedagogical games.

First of all, games should be divided by type of activity into physical (motor), intellectual (mental), labor, social and psychological.

Based on the nature of the pedagogical process, the following groups of games are distinguished:

a) teaching, training, controlling and generalizing;

b) cognitive, educational, developmental;

c) reproductive, productive, creative;

d) communicative, diagnostic, etc.

The typology of pedagogical games based on the nature of the gaming methodology is extensive. We will indicate only the most important types used: subject, plot, role-playing, business, simulation and dramatization games. Games are distinguished by educational areas.

And finally, the specifics of gaming technology are largely determined by the gaming environment: there are games with and without objects, tabletop, indoor, outdoor, on-site, computer and with TSO, as well as with various means of transportation.

Carefully selected and well-planned games help children feel successful and competent. We try to create conditions so that each child can express himself within his own capabilities. No one is excluded from the game, no one becomes a “loser.” The main goal is not to achieve perfection, but to develop.

All games are structured so that children are not scared or bored, so that everyone feels needed. It is especially important for us that the child enjoys the game, feels important and belongs to the group, and can contribute to the development of events and interaction between children. Games create an atmosphere in which confidence, independence, initiative, discipline and helpfulness are developed.

I present to you some of these games.

At the beginning of a gaming session, we use games to warm up the group and get the group started.

Preschoolers love the familiar, they like the reliability of the repeating. When they already know what to do, they are able to evaluate their actions and guess in advance what they can try in the game. Therefore, we recommend that games be repeated more often so that children have the opportunity to change their behavior and improve dexterity. In addition, many games become passionately and sincerely loved, and children want to play them again and again.

"Big Circle" -

in this game differentiated movements are made with both hands. In addition, the game serves as a ritual that unites the group and acts as a symbolic action that illustrates important components of teamwork, in particular, initiative and consideration for others.

Materials: depending on the size of the group, one or two light colored chiffon scarves.

Age of participants: from 5 years.

Instructions: Stand (sit on the floor) in a large circle. One of you starts and throws the scarf from one hand to the other, so that it forms an arc in flight. With this hand he throws the handkerchief further to his neighbor. When throwing a scarf, be especially careful...

And so the scarf should go around the entire circle. (When the scarf returns to the starting point, run it in a circle in the other direction.)

Games for cooperation and mutual assistance.

"Thank you!" —

This beautiful game has a social aspect. In it, children learn to be attentive to whether another child needs their help, to thank another for help, for pleasant things.

Children move to the music and learn to hold a very light object on their head. They develop a sense of space, the ability to solve problems and make decisions.

Materials: paper napkin for each child; instrumental music with variable tempo, such as Schumann's "Children's Scenes".

Age of participants: from 4 years.

Instructions for children: I want to offer you a game that will require a lot of space. Each of you must move with a napkin on your head and make sure that it does not fall. Move to the music, sometimes slower, sometimes faster. Be careful and avoid all obstacles on your way.

If the napkin falls, you must stop and not move until someone else helps you and places the fallen napkin back on your head. If you want, you can save another child in a different way. Touch gently, and then the child can put the fallen napkin on his head.

"A piece of paper" -

In this partner game, children learn to listen to each other and control their hands.

Materials: one sheet of A4 paper for each pair of children.

Age of participants: from 6 years.

Instructions for children: I’m very interested in how many of you will be able to do this trick... Divide into pairs and take one sheet of paper. Stand opposite each other and both of you hold a sheet of paper with your palms: one palm is yours, the other is your partner’s. And now the trick itself: you must simultaneously release the paper for a very short time and return your hands to their original position again, so that the sheet of paper does not fall to the floor. You can practice a little. And then you might want to try doing it with your other hand.

Games to develop self-control.

"Listen to music" -

this wonderful dance game, during which children, by training to suddenly stop moving and freeze, learn to navigate in space, count, and cooperate with each other.

Materials: calm instrumental music, for example, “Variations on a Theme of Mozart”, hoop according to the number of participants.

Age of participants: from 4 years.

Instructions for children: Let's evenly distribute the hoops throughout the room. Place them on the floor so that there is still enough space for passage.

Now I'll turn on the music. While it's playing, dance wherever you want, but don't step through the hoops. When the music stops, quickly jump into the nearest hoop and freeze as if you were frozen ... (2 minutes)

Now I'm going to remove half of the hoops. When the music stops this time, there should be two (two children ) in each hoop...(2 minutes)

(Remove a few more hoops so there is one for every three children).

This time there should be three children in the hoop.
(You can then remove a few more hoops.)
Now you can decide for yourself how many (children) should fit in one hoop. But remember that when the music stops, you must stand very still and still.

This game can be modified depending on the topic of the project being implemented within the framework of the Game Support Center for Preschool Children. For example, the project “My Village” - the theme “Transport on the streets of our village” - the game “Hey, the cars are in full swing!”, where hoops act as garages, children pretend to be cars, etc.


While playing, children can express themselves in different ways. They interact either in pairs (with a leader or a partner), then in threes or fours, or with the whole group. Games create a special space in which children gain new experiences, develop social, emotional, physical, and intellectual abilities, and prepare for new life demands, including school ones.

What is especially important is that children learn to focus, listen and observe. Thanks to this, at school it will be easier for them to process information and complete tasks according to the model. Games awaken curiosity in children, which makes them want to experiment and help achieve results; they develop determination and willpower, the ability to see different possibilities, make decisions and cope with problems. Children with these strengths become successful in school and are better able to take on new challenges.

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