Safety in railway transport and on the railway for children: enjoy the journey without forgetting the rules

From a very early age, our children hear about the rules of behavior on the roads, know the colors of traffic lights and the meaning of basic signs. But not every adult can list safety standards on the railroad for children right away.

The railway is an extremely dangerous object. Passengers and people living near the tracks must clearly know what can and cannot be done there, and teach this to their children. Such knowledge can save not only health, but also life.

There are two types of behavioral regulations: in railway transport itself and in the infrastructure surrounding the tracks.

What is unsafe to do in train cars?

The carriage in which the passengers travel becomes a home for them and their children for a while. Every home has its limitations.

In trains and electric trains, children are not allowed to:

  • play with sharp, cutting and traumatic toys (these are darts, arrows, toy weapons that shoot bullets, etc.);
  • use fire hazardous items (lighters, fireworks, firecrackers, etc.)
  • lean out of the windows or entrance doors of the carriage while the train is moving;
  • move from carriage to carriage unaccompanied by adults;
  • sit on the steps of a stationary train;
  • go out onto the platform during stops without adult supervision;
  • get out of the car before the train stops completely;
  • damage railway property.

Children on the train must be under the constant supervision of their parents or chaperones. Due to his age, a child cannot foresee the consequences of his actions or actions.

Simple and easy pictures about road safety for children

Cross the road correctly and safely

We walk across the road correctly. When we approach its edge, we always look to the left, and if there are no cars, then we walk boldly. As we reach half of the zebra crossing, we look to the right, if the road is clear, then we move on.

You can't run out onto the road

Denis was playing with a ball near the road, suddenly the ball rolled away, and his feet rushed after the ball. But on the road there is noise from cars and fast driving, you should never do that.

Safe underground passage

There is an underground passage, which is very safe. We always walk along it: dads, children and their mothers.

Safe overpass

There is a road above the ground, it helps a lot. And a cautious pedestrian hurries forward along it.

You cannot cross the road in the wrong place

There is a land crossing, always take it. Remember every pedestrian, then you will avoid trouble!

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What is unsafe to do near a railway?

Any rules of behavior in places of increased danger are dictated by very sad experience. It is necessary to explain to children that they were not invented by “harmful uncles and aunts” in order to limit their freedom. What is prohibited is truly dangerous.

The rules of conduct on railway tracks and stations read as follows:

  1. You cannot be beyond the line in front of the edge of the platform; it is not safe to even step beyond it. If there is no line drawn on the platform, then a distance of at least 5 meters from the rail can be considered a safe distance.
  2. You cannot cross the tracks when the traffic light is red or the barrier at a crossing or crossing is lowered. Sometimes even adults do not have the patience to wait for the barrier to rise or the green light to turn on after the train has passed. Maybe they think that the careless worker was too lazy and did not open the passage? In fact, there is a high probability that another train is approaching - on opposite routes.
  3. Even at the risk of missing the train, you must not crawl under the carriages or climb over automatic couplers. At this time, the train may move or simply twitch - and injury or even death is inevitable.

  4. Paths can only be crossed on a bridge or special crossings.

  5. Platforms, tracks, railway embankments, tunnels are not a place for games. This is deadly!

  6. At stations, station squares, platforms, children can only be under the supervision of adults. It is better to take a child, even a teenager, by the hand.
  7. When near the railway, you need to take off your headphones, stop telephone conversations and be very careful.

How to get children to follow railroad safety rules?

Children perceive and remember only information that is interesting to them. And the task of adults is to present the safety rules on the railway in a fun, playful way. In no case should it be told in a tedious manner, with a large number of special terms that are incomprehensible to children.

It is very good to use visual pictures and funny examples in your speech. Any child will perfectly remember the conclusion drawn from a simulated situation. For example, an adult depicts a train, and a child depicts a passenger walking with headphones on. The result of their collision is far from real tragedies on the railway tracks, but it will be easily remembered by your little one.

Drawing competition to reinforce safety rules in railway transport for children

Every child is an artist. It is imperative to use a child’s love of drawing to reinforce safe rules of behavior.

A discussion of pictures can be turned into a fun quiz. For example, give the children a task - draw any of the rules without signing it. The rest of the group, based only on the image, will have to formulate a prohibition or warning and talk about the consequences of violating them.

For young children, you can use coloring books rather than drawings, but be sure to focus their attention on the correct choice of color. Prohibiting - red, allowing - green, etc.

Drawing “We and the road”

Teachers and educators suggest depicting in illustrations how to cross the road correctly and follow the instructions of a traffic controller or traffic light.

The captions of the drawings play an important role. Capacious and concise phrases will attract attention.

If a child draws a car accident, then the title would be appropriate:

  • “The road does not tolerate pranks!”;
  • “Don’t aggravate the situation - cross the road correctly!”

If the child portrays a driver, then the drawing is signed:

  • “My dad is the best driver”;
  • "Chauffeur! Keep your eyes on the road!

In addition to drawings, children are offered other types of creativity on the topic of traffic rules: applications, crafts, presentations.

High school students can make clipart, collages, or campaign banners. Thematic photos are also suitable; high school students prepare a series of photographs about how to behave correctly on the road. Then they are shown to children in primary school, teaching the basics of safe behavior.

For kindergarten

For learning traffic rules in preschool educational institutions, children are offered simple coloring books with large figures.

For example: a person is walking along a pedestrian crossing, a child is standing and waiting for a green traffic light. There may be good poems under the pictures.

Senior group of preschool children

1st class

Learning the rules of behavior on the road forms a personal desire for safety. During primary school, this is especially important, since the child for the first time begins to move independently without parental control.

2 classes

3 classes

4 classes

For middle school children

Schoolchildren in grades 5, 6, 7 often draw wall newspapers. They contain several columns: advice on following traffic rules, news about working with preschoolers or elementary school students. Columns are written by hand or typed on a computer, then printed and glued. A small picture is drawn next to each section.

Posters on life safety

For the competition

For the exhibition

With explanations

cartoon pictures

The hero of your favorite cartoon acts as a road safety knight. The kid can portray Superman, Smesharik, a robot in the form of a traffic cop or a young traffic inspector (yuid).

To help parents traveling with children

For children of any age, the most natural state is to be in constant motion. When traveling on a train, parents are faced with a difficult task - to keep the child’s attention, since running and jumping in the limited space of the carriage is impossible.

For children of primary and secondary school age you can use:

  • watching a feature or animated film pre-loaded into any gadget;
  • educational games that can also be pre-downloaded to your phone (“Scrabble”, “Elias”, “Filwords”);
  • reading a fascinating book (you can take turns out loud);
  • word or association games;
  • compiling stories based on what you saw outside the train window;
  • The game “Battleship” does not require any equipment other than a ballpoint pen and a piece of paper, but it is extremely exciting and exciting.

For younger children, parents will have to stock up on a whole arsenal of entertainment.
A drawing set with coloring books, a gadget with cartoons, dolls, cars, children's books, puzzles, etc. will come in handy. Parents will have to remember or re-read all children's fairy tales in order to tell them on the road. It is very difficult for a preschooler under the age of 6 to concentrate his attention on one thing for a long time. Therefore, changing classes is the best way out.

The most vivid memories are from childhood. Train travel can be one of those for your little one. However, adults must take care of the safety of their children on the road.

Safe traffic coloring pages

Children are offered coloring pages about following traffic rules. They can be downloaded for free from the Internet, then printed.

Topics include:

  • “I am a pedestrian”;
  • “We and the road”;
  • "Be careful on the roads."

The pictures depict a safe route to school and home, drivers in cars, traffic police officers, and a dangerous zone on the road. Coloring pictures will help preschoolers of the junior and senior groups learn the rules of road safety (road safety) in a playful way and increase children's attention to traffic problems.

Safety precautions

The pictures cover not only behavior on the road, but also the rules of labor protection and human life safety. Compliance with them guarantees a safe childhood for school and preschool children.

Child and road

Smeshariki and traffic rules

Transport on the roadway

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