Environmental project in the middle group “Wintering birds of our region”
Tales about birds. Woodpecker. Why is the woodpecker respected by all birds and animals? And what happened
Presentation of the educational field “Cognitive Development”
Presentation of the educational field “Cognitive Development” Elena Bogdanova Presentation of the educational field “Cognitive Development” Slide 1
Pedagogical project on the topic: “Components of a healthy lifestyle”
Proper nutrition Nutrition is a means of maintaining life, growth and development, health and high performance
Cards for attending classes of preschool teachers by senior educators
Analysis of a lesson in kindergarten: methodological aspects of conducting Analysis of a lesson in kindergarten: methodological
C-12/21/2015-Methodological development - OOD according to the Federal State Educational Standard - in the table. Outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (junior group) on the topic
Planning for productive activities in the senior group for a week
The goal of the project: to expand children's knowledge about plants, such as flowers, trees, bushes, herbs. exercise
Project on interaction between a kindergarten and a children's library.
Project on interaction between a kindergarten and a children's library. Project on interaction between kindergarten and
Introducing children 5-6 years old to their hometown through virtual excursions - Methods for introducing preschoolers to the sights
Methods for introducing preschoolers to sights At preschool age, children absorb information about everything that
Lesson and presentation for a lesson on FEMP in the preparatory group on the topic “Journey to the land of mathematics”
Organization of a role-playing game “Hospital” for children 3-4 years old (methodological development)
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of the manual for a role-playing game on the topic: “Hospital” for children 3-4 years old Compiled by
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